Seems like Zombies have been with us for quite some time now. Everyone knows of at least one, had one or wished they could be one. Well, now is your chance. We love Zombies at Southern Costume Company. We even have a special isle of costumes dedicated to Zombies. Here’s the story: When I first started to think about opening up SCCNOLA I made a trip out to L.A. (Zombie Land) in search of costumes for the shop that I could rent to the general public, That would be you! I ran across a rather large collection of old Warner Brothers stock that included a lot of evening wear from the original “Poseidon Adventure”. If you have yet to see it you should as it is is the first of it’s kind in the disaster movie genre and introduced yet another facet into movie making. Any who…I was looking at and eventually brought back to New Orleans a set of men’s and women’s evening wear that had been worn for the Captains Dinner scene in the movie where all hell breaks loose. Men’s tuxedos, women’s evening gowns just tattered and already “aged”. Perfect for Zombies, Ghouls and Halloween in the city of New Orleans.
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